I promise to:
Show up every day on time and do my part to make this experience great for the participants and volunteers – I will rock up, throw myself in, serve and love others bringing my best
Be open and vulnerable and give of myself understanding that I am not here to be perfect but I am here to serve and share
Respect myself, the participants and volunteers, after all, we are all trying to do our best
Do my part to leave the Academy as a better version of myself than I came in and help the Academy be better for the next group of participants
Look after myself so I can look after others (get enough sleep, eat well and be present mind, body and soul)
Express some gratitude while I am here

I promise to:
Show up every day on time and do my part to make this experience great for me and others – I understand that sometimes in order to succeed I need to find the courage to rock up and throw myself in
Do the activities (even if I think some of them are lame) as I understand that discomfort is needed for growth so I will dig deep, push myself and others beyond the comfort zone, respectfully
Respect myself, my fellow participants and members of the Larita Academy, after all, we are all trying to do our best
Get real; with myself and with others
Not waste this opportunity
Do my part to leave the Academy as a better version of myself than I came in and help the Academy be better for the next group of participants
Believe in myself and be brave, I won’t let fear hold me back from success and fun
Express some gratitude while I am here

I promise to:
Show up every day on time and do my part to make this experience great for the participants and coaches – I understand that sometimes in order to succeed I need to find the courage to rock up, throw myself in, serve and love others
Be attentive to the participants’ and coaches’ needs, anticipate what help they may need and step up to assist
Respect myself, the participants and coaches, after all, we are all trying to do our best
Do my part to leave the Academy as a better version of myself than I came in and help the Academy be better for the next group of participants
Look after myself so I can look after others (get enough sleep, eat well and be present mind, body and soul)
Express some gratitude while I am here